Public Blogs

by Hawke Robinson published 2020/07/05 09:11:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:45-07:00
Should Game Masters for Role-Playing Games be Paid? It Depends. Should Game Masters for Role-Playing Games be Paid? It Depends.
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Nov 12, 2022 08:26 AM

Increasingly heated debate has been growing in recent years about whether role-playing game masters (RPG GMs) should be paid or not. It depends... NOTE: This article focuses on pure entertainment RPG Professionals, not RPG Professionals in educational or therapeutic settings. To be clear, this is a blog posting, as an opinion piece, not a formal essay or research paper. For more formal essays, see the research sections of the site. This informal article is from the first-person experiential perspective, that attempts to include persuasive argument components, as someone involved with RPGs since the 1970s running many sessions per week, and paid as a GM (when desired) since the 1980s.

Wizards of the Coast D&D Dragon Talk Broadcast Notes Wizards of the Coast D&D Dragon Talk Broadcast Notes
by Hawke Robinson — last modified Oct 26, 2022 02:27 AM

Here are notes from the January 22nd, 2018 interview broadcast at Wizards of the Coast's Dungeons & Dragons, "Dragon Talk" with Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble, interviewing John Welker & Hawke Robinson of RPG Research, Spokane Area Gaming Alliance, & RPG Therapeutics LLC, about role-playing game education, therapy, and more. Currently a work in progress. I am working on it each day in small snippets of time while juggling everything else. I will let folks know when it is ready for sharing.

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