Populations Overview

by Hawke Robinson published 2019/05/04 12:48:00 GMT-7, last modified 2023-05-29T22:09:47-07:00
This section provides information about the populations we have worked with and our ongoing research related to these populations. This list tends to expand each year as we work with an increasing variety of populations.

Populations and settings

Accessibility considerations

Alternative schools

Anxiety disorders


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

At-risk populations

Autism Spectrum (ASD)

Brain injuries (stroke, aneurysm, traumatic injury (TBI), etc.)

Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Cognitive decline associated with aging

Educational: preschool, K-12, college, senior adult learning, etc.

Gifted & talented

Deaf, Hard of Hearing (HoH), and other hearing impairments

Developmental delays and impairments (DD / DI)

General populations (entertainment and recreational settings without special needs).

Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

Incarcerated adults

Incarcerated youth

In-patient adults, youth, and children

In-patient and out-patient transition

Panic disorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)

Senior adults

Social skills development

Substance dependency rehabilitation

Social & agoraphobia

Toddlers (2+ years old)

Visually impaired, blindness, and others

Young adults

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