Hawke unavailable June 25 through July 20 2019

by Hawke Robinson published 2019/06/27 03:27:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:45:27-07:00
RPG Research's founder & president, Hawke Robinson, is going to be unavailable for several weeks, except for emergencies, from June 25th through July 20th, 2019. Please note the other contact options listed during his absence.
This week, June 25th through 30th, Hawke Robinson will be minimally available as he is working once again intensely on The Fantasy Network's core infrastructure (as a volunteer who believes in Ben Dobyn's community media vision and is trying to help it be a reality) this week to help move some of The Fantasy Network's ( see "The Fantasy Network Lives" for more info about Hawke's involvement ) servers this weekend (this may mean some service interruption glitches for TFN, Zombie Orpheus Entertain (ZOE), Dead Gentlemen (DG), and others).
Then as of this Sunday June 30th, Hawke will be gone for several weeks for his wedding (and honeymoon in New Orleans).
So from June 25th through July 21st, for questions, meetings, donations, finances, bills, events, administrative, volunteer applications & interviews, talk show, etc., please contact:
  • John Welker, Vice President: john@rpgresearch.com  - (833) RPG-INFO x709 - 


  • Danielle Whitworth, Treasurer: danielle@rpgresearch.com - (833) 774-4636 x708
For volunteer coordinating, contact:
  • Brooke Lively, Vice-chair & administrative director: brooke@rpgresearch.com - (833) RPG-INFO x701
For technical support and onboarding account access, contact:
  • Niklas Anderson, Systems Administrator: support@rpgresearch.com or niklas@rpgresearch.com - (833) RPG-INFO x702
Also, while Hawke was able to get someone to cover the Tuesday researchers meetings, and John, Danielle, Dan, Shane, Brooke, & others will cover all the other theory, administrative, and applied-gaming meetings/training, he was unable to get someone to cover the Sunday morning researchers meeting so that will be on hold until his return.
Hawke will be "radio silent" and pretty much completely off the Internet and phones either handed to John or turned off except for emergencies, from June 30th through July 21st.
He will then be back online and begin catching up on any email backlog.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
RPG Research Volunteer Staff.

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