Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Where are you going? And other important questions, can be addressed in creative ways through role-playing games, and then lead to personal application of the same...
Collection of RPG Research Questions
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One we can recommend, because our founder Hawke Robinson is also the founder of the other organization:
RPG Therapeutics LLC - A+ BBB, Psychology Today
We have been developing and running role-playing game programs in schools and other educational settings since 1985.
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We have been involved with role-playing games since the 1970s and studying their effects, including benefits and caveats. We have been implementing therapeutic "RPG Therapy" programs since 2004.
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Other Professionals
Our founder has been involved with role-playing games since 1977, a paid professional Role-Playing Game Master since 1983, providing online and streaming tabletop games since 1996, and therapeutic RPG programs since 2004.
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Even if you aren't a professional looking for information to further your profession, our information, videos, and programs are extremely helpful to anyone interested in learning about role-playing games in general, wishing to become a better player or game master, and those just wanting to know just how many great opportunities they are in this field.
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Wheelchair Accessible RPG Bus & RPG Trailers
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Examine differences in feelings of alienation between active players and nonplayers. Gamers diverge from peer-culture in mass media awareness, but not in more significant aspects.
Includes using AI to teach/train tabletop and live-action role-playing gamers, using AI as assistant tools to help tabletop and live-action RPGers and Game Masters, as well as more typical use of AI in electronic and hybrid role-playing games.
Efficacy of RPG for ASD / PDD
What Anime focused role-playing games have been, and are currently available in print? Pros and cons for use related to our vision and mission statements, community programs, and research projects.
How to Develop and Integrate Role-Playing Games as an Intervention Modality into Therapeutic Programs.
Paraphrasing and referencing approaches from Carl Rogers on Client-centered Therapy and Student-centered Education, how do these principles apply (or not) in a role-playing gaming setting?
How do you rather play games? Cooperatively, no preference, competitively?
From our old RPG Research Archives, here is link to the previous list of research questions...
What do you think is an appropriate relationship with a client/customer? " This also addresses some of the topics of RPG Professionals / Paid Game Masters, etc.
Discussion and research links to, concepts of Theory of Mind, and how role-playing games can help people enhance their development related to ToD, and how those with developmental delays can benefit form using RPG to help improve the learning process of repetition necessary for some disiabilities to help them advance in their development...
Research on RPGs Primer & Don't Split the Party: In response to someone at the Ph.D. level, who recently released a podcast and shockingly made the completely erroneous claims that there is not _any_ existing legtimate, peer-reviewed, research on tabletop RPG, RPGer traits, any correlative data on RPGers, any publications in respected journals, any studies from psychologists or psychiatrists, or any research on the effects of RPGs, I have whipped up this page in order to help. Working together and sharing will help float all boats. Pulling apart and isolating will continue to founder the ship.
Whereas role-playing and table-top role-play games (RPGs) have been proven to have potential as therapeutic tools, playing RPGs is often stereotypically associated with social incompetence and psychiatric disorders.
Whereas role-playing and table-top role-play games (RPGs) have been proven to have potential as therapeutic tools, playing RPGs is often stereotypically associated with social incompetence and psychiatric disorders.

I am a huge advocate for technology. Look at my tech resume, and you will see what I mean. Technology is an extremely powerful tool to help improve the human experience, but at the tabletop game setting, it can be extremely detrimental if not used in very controlled ways. This article provides a few pointers on how to keep technology your friend in such settings, and the worst of the pitfalls to easily be avoided.
When Does Role-Playing Gaming Become "Bad" For Participants?
paperwork process for putting together the study on "Efficacy Assessment of Role-playing Games as an Instructional Technique within the Constraints of a University Academic Setting from the Neuropsychology Perspective"...
Includes using virtual reality, augmented reality, and other "X" reality technologies with role-playing games. Not just as xR video electronic role-playing games, but as adjuncts/enhancements to tabletop and live-action RPGs. For example using Google Tilt painted dungeons for TRPG or larp players to "see" the dungeon room by room, while still playing with analog methods of dice rolling, etc.
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