by Hawke Robinson published 2016/03/24 14:20:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-10-23T09:39:37-07:00
Prior to 2006, approximately 80 studies were published related to participation in role playing games and their effects on participants. Since 2006, there has been a significant increase in related research from many disciplines...

Prior to 2006, most of these studies have relied solely on meta-research, correlative data, individual case studies, or very small sample groups, and do not clearly prove causality. Even the studies since 2006 are still within these limited approaches.

Most of the existing meta and correlative data currently accumulated appears to strongly indicate many possible therapeutic and educational benefits for participants, but this has not yet been clearly delineated through rigorous scientific experimental research, observation, clear metrics, controlled groups, large samples, and longitudinal tracking.

Role-playing gaming overlaps with a number of other domain benefits, specifically recreation, education, therapeutic, and socialization, as illustrated in the Venn diagram below.

RPG Venn Diagram 20111209a

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