Trying to merge WOW accounts

by Hawke Robinson published 2022/11/12 09:28:47 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:47-07:00
I originally started with a trial, and then purchased the retail versions. Now my keys are scattered across two accounts under one email address, and the website self help I was unable to find directions to make this work, and the normal "merge" function won't allow it to merge. So I have had to contact Blizzard's tech support.

I noticed that my character was defaulting to Cataclysm, and my son pointed out, for my researching this product, "don't you want to play the first one before the expansion packs dad?" He was right, Unfortunately the subscription I just paid for only applied to my Cataclysm key code, and the original WOW won't let me play because the trial expired. And it won't let me merge my subscription account and those key codes scattered across two accounts, even though they are all under the same email address. Here is what I sent Blizzard at 14:30 PST

"I am trying to merge my WOW accounts together, wow1 and wow2 for, but am unable to do so. Please advise the correct process to merge them together. I have the WOW Battle Chest with Burning Crusade, plus Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm expansion packs. I wish to have my keys all in the same account under the same subscription I just paid for. Please advise how to resolve this. Thank you."

(Ticket US16067659)

Now I am waiting for a reply with directions on resolution.

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