Danielle Whitworth

by Victoria Jesswein published 2017/06/29 11:40:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:19-07:00
Danielle is training as recreational therapist at Eastern Washington University, she is also training as an RPG Advocate and RPG Trainer.

Name: Danielle Whitworth

Position: RPG Advocate, RPG Trainer, Recreational Therapist (trainee).

Specialties: Tabletop RPG, Board game, Card games, and Vanning. 

RPG Experience since:

  • Tabletop: 2010
  • LARP: N/A
  • CRPG: 2008
  • SAB/M: N/A

 Location(s): Greater Spokane & Cheney Areas.

RPG System(s): Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Adventures in Middle-earth

Favorite Games: Cat tower, Star realms, ticket to ride, Magic the gathering, and Dominion 

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