Help Fund Gaming at WorldCon & Future Spokane Area Events

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/08/07 12:30:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:41-07:00
The 73rd Annual WorldCon Science Fiction convention (aka Sasquan) has a separate gaming portion. The organizer John Welker has a fundraiser to help make the gaming experience at WorldCon the best possible. Please hurry and donate so he can cover the costs of special guests and events!

Please donate to the  Convention Gaming in Spokane Fundraiser. The 73rd Annual WorldCon Science Fiction convention (aka Sasquan) has a separate gaming portion. The organizer John Welker has a fundraiser to help make the gaming experience at WorldCon the best possible. Please hurry and donate so he can cover the costs of special guests and events! Any additional funds can be applied to other future conventions in the Spokane area. Please donate today!

From the fundraiser main page:

"Hail and well met. My name is John Welker and I organize Dungeons & Dragons Adventures League Games at local conventions. This is  on a volunteer baisis with no budget. While I don't have to pay for the basic gaming materials, any special material (maps and miniatures), printing costs, et cetera are my responsibility. 

This year is a (most likely) once in a life time opportunity as Spokane will be hosting the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention AKA Worldcon or Sasquan. This is the annual convention of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), It has been held each year since 1939 (except for the years 1942 to 1945, during World War II. )The members of each Worldcon are the members of WSFS, and vote both to select the site of the Worldcon two years later, and to select the winners of the annual Hugo Awards, which are presented at each convention. 

I will be organizing Dungeons & Dragons Gaming at the convention and want to really make the event special for the D&D players. As such I have invited Wizards of the Coast to send one of their employees as a special guest. Wizards have the following requirements to send a representative:
·         Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay for travel for the guest to and from the event
·         Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay for accommodations for the guest while at the event
·         Convention/Event Organizer agrees to pay a per diem of $20 for each day the guest is at the event plus two days of travel

I would like to extend the same terms to W.A. Hawkes-Robinson ("Hawke Robinson") from RPG (Role-Playing Game) Research. I would like him to run at least one panel, attend/participate in the Dungeon Master 101 class and perhaps some games.
RPG (Role-Playing Game) Research is an ongoing long-term series of projects that include studies on the therapeutic and educational aspects of role-playing games, with additional emphasis on determining any causality related to participation in role-playing gaming. This research includes tracking any other projects around the world that use role-playing games as educational or therapeutic intervention modalities.

All funds raised by this campaign will go to cover the costs of the special guests which I am responsible for. After that funds will be used for printing, signage and anything else that I can do to make the player's experience the best possible for this convention and future conventions for the Spokane area."

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