Very busy week! EWU, TSU, WSTRA, & WSU.

by Hawke Robinson published 2016/04/01 12:10:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T08:26:32-08:00
I am taking a quick few minutes for a mental break to provide just a quick blurb in case you thought I fell off the planet... :-)

"I'm not quite dead yet! I might pull through!" --Monty Python, The Holy Grail.


While my energy and cognitive reserves are being very challenged over the coming year, I am not sitting idle, but I have far less "bandwidth" to share what is going on, so my apologies if some people are feeling out of the loop.  Research and other works are still progressing, albeit for this coming year at a much more measured pace. If all goes well, it will pick back up, as will the updates, next year.

Here is what has been going on, and the high-level plan for the year...

* Daily physical therapy.

EWU Spring quarter classes began this past Monday:

  • Trauma & PTSD
  • How to recognize and Address Child Abuse
  • Maths ;-)


Fought off hackers from China last Saturday through this Wednesday, details:

Thursday, Due March 31st: First paper for Abuse course at Eastern Washington University (EWU).

Friday, Due April 1st: 8 page paper for peer-review for Texas State University (TSU), Living Game pre-conference. I am really struggling trying to get this down to the only 8 pages (double spaced) requirement (not surprising). Just the text alone from my presentation (with references pages) was around 50 pages. I'm down to about 16 pages. This paper is a totally different audience than my usual Therapeutic Recreation / Recreation Therapy (TR / RT) peers. I really don't know that I can pull this off, also with presentation looming tomorrow, but I'm giving it my all. I'm adding a lot of endnotes to explain things while freeing up the page count, hopefully that will be acceptable. I am just worried it is going to be too disjointed in cutting it all down, but we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, April 2nd: Attending all day (8 am to 6 pm) (I had to miss this year's Friday pre-conference unfortunately), and presenting for Washington State Therapeutic Recreation Association (WSTRA) 17th annual conference. Latest version of my 90 minute presentation on using RPGs for education and therapy from TR perspective.

After this weekend I will be trying to recuperate from this week's sprint, and when I can get my strength built back up enough, I can come up for air, and begin the quantitative analysis of the research data from August 2015 related to the Washington State University (WSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) waiver. Phyllis also said she would have the work on the qualitative analysis begin mid-April, some potential interns lined up.

Note: I am postponing both of my internships until next year pending seeing how my recovery goes. Assuming all goes well, will get both the Psych (10 weeks) and Therapeutic Recreation (16 weeks) internships underway around late Spring 2017, finishing in the Fall.




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