Monsters Are People Too

by Hawke Robinson published 2012/10/31 15:05:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:01-07:00
12-year-old uses Dungeons and Dragons to help scientist dad with his research . The paper describing the results—delightfully entitled “Monsters are people too”...

"Alan Kingstone, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, had a problem: all humans have their eyes in the middle of their faces, and there’s nothing that Kingstone could do about it. His 12-year-old son, Julian Levy, had the solution: monsters. While some monsters are basically humanoid in shape, others have eyes on their hands, tails, tentacles and other unnatural body parts. Perfect. Kingstone would use monsters. And Julian would get his first publication in a journal from the Royal Society, one of the world’s most august scientific institutions."

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