Quick Status Update for RPG Research

by Hawke Robinson published 2015/12/04 20:20:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:41-07:00
Just a quick update on various project aspects...

Phase 2 study on gender bias in the gaming community & industry at WorldCon 73 (phase 1 was in 2013). Still continuing data entry from questionnaires. Hope to have data entry phase completed in about 2 weeks. Then will waiting staff will being the analysis stage.

Fund raiser to build Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer. Updated website and gofundme pages based on feedback from Ben Dobyns of Zombie Orpheus Entertainment and others, to be more succinct on front page, then drill down for additional detail. Also broken into three audiences, Role-playing gamers (laymen), Educators, and Healthcare professionals. Donations still a trickle. As of today $345 raised toward the $6,500 goal (down payment and transport expenses). Dobyns and others have suggested they may help with integrated marketing campaign with their "The Gamers" series. Fingers crossed.

Also Jack Berkenstock of The Bodhana Group, proposed a fund raiser in the PA area. THeir 501(c)3 board approved this. Waiting for a status update.

The Savage Mojo newsletter editor (makers of Savage Worlds RPG), have offered to include an article on RPG Research, and hopefully encourage people to donate to the trailer as well, quarterly. Waiting for status update.'s

Twice in 2015 interviewed by HBO VICE media, two different reporters. In OC

I was recently interviewed by

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