Public Drop in and RPG - 2nd & 4th Friday each Month 4-7 pm by RPG Research at Spark Central

by Hawke Robinson published 2017/07/28 10:20:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:26:15-07:00
Now on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Role-playing games Drop in and Play since August 18th, 2017, thanks to non-profits RPG Research and the Spark Central community center, volunteers are providing role-playing gaming sessions at The Spark Central in Spokane, Washington, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Pacific Time), open to the public. Spark Central location and contact information: 1214 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane, WA,

Drop in and RPG - 2nd & 4th Friday each Month 4-7 pm at Spark Central

Now on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Role-playing games Drop in and Play since  August 18th, 2017, thanks to non-profits RPG Research and the Spark Central community center, volunteers are providing role-playing gaming sessions at The Spark Central in Spokane, Washington, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Pacific Time), open to the public. Spark Central location and contact information: 1214 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane, WA,

Introduction to Tabletop Role-Playing Gaming (RPG)


AGES 6 - 17+ / / Bring your curiosity, imagination, and thirst for adventure, and we will supply the rest! Adults welcome, though under 18 will get priority seating.

If you have ever been curious about role-playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), Adventures in Middle-earth, No Thank You Evil, Star Wars, Doctor Who, gum show detective mysteries, super heroes, or others, this is the perfect opportunity for a quick hands-on introduction to the fun of this distinctive recreational activity.

You can experience the fun and benefits derived from this unique form of shared narrative play with rules that enhance the tabletop experience utilizing cooperative problem solving, active imagination, exploration, and rich social interaction.

Location and Spark Central contact information:

1214 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane, WA, 99201

Phone: 509.279.0299


RPG program additional details at



We are starting with a youth table for ages 6 to 17+. If there are attendees 18+ years old, you are welcome too, but the younger players get seating priority, we can also possibly open a another table if needed. If you have ever been curious about what a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) is, this is the perfect opportunity for you, or your child, to try it out.

We will provide a selection of pre-generated characters for you to pick from, so you can quickly join this distinctive form of shared narrative, cooperative problem solving, socially interactive, imaginative, distinct, recreational activity.

Spark Central provides the safe, comfortable, nurturing environment, and the RPG Research Project Core Volunteers will provide the paper, pencils, books, dice, miniatures, maps, experience, and fun!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email: questions at rpgresearch dot com, or read our Frequently Asked Questions.



Schedule updates on the RPG schedule at Spark Central can be found on the Spark Central Calendar, or on the RPG Research Project's Spark Central page:


About Spark Central

"Spark Central is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that ignites the creativity, innovation, and imagination necessary for people to forge the path to their best future. At Spark Central, we believe that everyone—regardless of income—deserves access to creative learning opportunities and innovative technologies so they can thrive. That's why our mission is to ignite the creativity, innovation, and imagination necessary for people to forge the path to their best future." From "Who We Are" July 27th, 2017 -


About Role-playing Games

The first role-playing game was officially published in 1974 with the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. Since then, there have been thousands of games created for every genre and setting imaginable.

Role-playing games come in 4 major formats:

  • Tabletop (RPG)
  • Live-action (LARP)
  • Computer-based (CRPG)
  • Solo adventures books & modules (SABM)


Engaging in role-playing gaming can have significant benefits for participants, including:

  • Social Skills: communication, cooperative problem solving, conflict resolution, turn taking, impulse control.
  • Imagination: visualization, creative problem solving,
  • Learning: Education through exploration is very powerful, causality (cause and effect), experimentation.
  • Intrinsic motivation.
  • Reading, reading comprehension, grow passion for reading.
  • Basic math skills, ratios, statistics.

And a very long list of other benefits shown by a wide range of research studies.


Photo(s) from Introduction to Role-Playing Gaming at Spark Central


August 18th, 2017

 First Drop in and RPG session at Spark Central.



September 15th, 2017

Photo from this day's session, the scene from Ambush in the Clearing, from "Eves of Mirkwood" Adventures in Middle-earth.


About the RPG Research Volunteers

The RPG Research Core Volunteers Team have been using role-playing games for many years in a broad variety of settings, for a wide range of populations from 2 years old to seniors, and everything in betwee.

Each of the RPG Research Volunteer facilitators has passed a background check appropriate to working with health care and protected populations.


About The RPG Research Project

As an international community of volunteer researchers, we have been studying the effects of role-playing games since 1985, and since 2004 providing an open online research repository  investigating the effects of all role-playing game formats: tabletop, live-action (LARP), computer-based, and solo adventures.

Some of us, as volunteers from a Recreation Therapy background, help people achieve their educational, entertainment, and/or therapeutic goals through the intentional use of role-playing games (RPG) and music. We work with toddlers, youth, and adults of all ages, to help improve the quality of their lives.


















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