1996 - MUDs, MOOs, MUSHes and More: Using Text-Based Virtual Worlds To Teach Communication.
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Multiple-user domains--the most common names are MUDs (Multiple-User Domain), MOOs (Multiple user domain, Object Oriented), and MUSHes (Multiple User Shared Hallucination)--can be effectively used for teaching. While each may be slightly different, they are all interactive internet sights with real time connections and exchanges. Often described as "fantasy games" or "super-chat rooms," multiple user domains are text-based virtual worlds that are easy to use, entertaining, informative, and educationally useful. Most educational multiple user sites have some provision for allowing teachers to bring students on-line. One teacher of interpersonal communication has devised several assignments around multiple-user sites. One requirement of multiple user sites is that users take a name and develop a character or role. Characters evolve slowly as individuals interact with each other. These processes afford an excellent opportunity for students to observe and experience role playing. Beyond characterization and role-taking, social support, repair/rehabilitation, and accounting behavior can be studied. Students may be asked, for instance, to observe the ways users help and support each other in the presentation of their respective identities. A character or role operates like a dynamic story that is situated and made real by the way others respond to the role taker. These instances of social support are particularly interesting in situations where something unexpected or untoward occurs. Multiple user domains are a place where students can try out new behaviors that they may not be fully comfortable with yet. (TB)
Identifier / keyword MOOs
Supplemental data Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Speec
URL http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED405624
Title MUDs, MOOs, MUSHes and More: Using Text-Based Virtual Worlds To Teach Communication.
Author Tolhuizen, James H.
Year 1996
Source type Other Sources
Language of publication English
Document type 150 Speeches/meeting Papers, 141 Reports - Descriptive, 052 Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Availability Level 1 - Available online, if indexed January 1993 onward
Subfile ERIC, Resources in Education (RIE)
Accession number ED405624
ProQuest document ID 62607551
Document URL https://ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/docview/62607551?accountid=7305
Last updated 2014-03-21
Database ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
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