WorldCon Self Promo

by Victoria Jesswein published 2022/11/12 09:28:38 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:28:38-07:00

In case you are going to be at WorldCon 73, please come by and say "hi"!
I will be on 3+ panels/discussions, a poster presentation of my research, and running game sessions. Would love to meet you!
Two different groups from the WorldCon staff ("Science Saturday" and "WorldCon Gaming" and they started a funxraiser to pay for me to attend: ) requested my participation in the 73rd WorldCon (Sasquan).
They state to expect around 5,000 attendees.
As per request here is a short bio and schedule from August 19th to 23rd. I hope to see some of you there. Happy Gaming! ]. (Also listed as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson on program schedule).
Please donate to the Wheelchair Friendly Role-Playing Gaming Trailer today:


Role-playing gamer since 1979. Game Master since 1984. Founder of the Eä Tolkien Society, Tolkien Moot, Other Minds Magazine, Middle-earth Talk Show, & Eä RPG.
Founder of the RPG Research Project & President of RPG Therapeutics LLC, studies on the effects of all forms of role-playing games (tabletop, live-action & computer-based), including potential for achieving educational & therapeutic goals for participants.
Listed as Pirate #2 in Gamers: Hands of Fate (and also a "Cass fanboy" extra (uncredited)).


Middle-earth (any system). Prefer detailed systems that do not interfere with role-playing.


Prefer ROLE-playing over ROLL-playing but do not like overly abstracted RPG systems.


Aug 19 * Panel/Discussion: Gaming for Therapy, Gaming for Education, with John Welker. Wednesday 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm. 303A (CC) - .

* Dungeon Master: 5th Edition D&D Adventurer's League, Elemental Evil Campaign: Cloaks & Shadows module DDEX2-10. Thursday 8:00 am to Noon. Main Gaming Area ___, Table #__.

Aug 20 * Panel: The Game Designer's Toolbox, with Ken Burnside, John Welker, Alan Stewart, & Ari Goldstein. Thursday, Noon to 12:45 pm. 303A (CC) - .

Aug 21 * Panel: Game Mastering 101, with Brian Campbell, Annie Bellet, & John Welker. Friday, 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm. 303A (CC) - .

* Co-Facilitator Games for Children Program. Friday, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. 206 BCD - .

Aug 22 * Presenting for RPG Research at the Super Science Saturday Poster Competition. Event Hall C. Saturday Noon to 2:00 pm.

* Dungeon Master: 5th Edition D&D Adventurer's League, Either Elemental Evil Campaign: Cloaks & Shadows module DDEX2-10, or DDEX3-1 Adventure. Sunday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Main Gaming Area ___, Table #__.

* Survey on role-playing game experiences in the gaming communities (tabletop, live-action (LARP), and computer-based) (throughout all 5 days).


Registered Recreational Therapist for Washington State Department of Health -

Nearing completion of Interdisciplinary Bachelors in Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy, Neuroscience, & Research Psychology at Eastern Washington University.

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