2015 - Live Action Role-Playing Games: Reconciling Rules and Fiction

by Jennifer Siegel published 2016/02/29 01:25:00 GMT-7, last modified 2022-11-12T09:27:59-07:00
Live Action Role-Playing Games: Reconciling Rules and Fiction Alternate title: Un jeu qui reconcilie les regles et la fiction : le jeu de roles grandeur nature Kapp, Sebastien. La Revue du MAUSS1.45 (0, 2015): 91-103.


In the canonical literature (Huizinga, Caillois), play has been thought in its rapport with culture. This rapport is often described as paradoxical, as being organized around the two opposite if not incompatible poles of rule (order, discipline) and fiction (creative liberty and fantasy), corresponding roughly to the significations of the words game and play in English. Based on long-winded ethnographic research, this article focuses on an under-studied phenomenon: live action role-playing games (LARP). As a sort of immersive and ludic voyage in fictional worlds, participants in LARP's play out costumed characters according to precise rules of simulation, yet with the opportunity to come and go as they please and to make their own choices. Reconciling game and play, LARP's are original forms of cultural creation which are not only collective but collaborative. Adapted from the source document.


Classification 0207: sociology: history and theory; theories, ideas, & systems
Title Live Action Role-Playing Games: Reconciling Rules and Fiction
Alternate title Un jeu qui reconcilie les regles et la fiction : le jeu de roles grandeur nature
Author Kapp, Sebastien 1

Correspondence author Kapp, Sebastien 
Publication title La Revue du MAUSS

Year 2015
Publisher Editions La Decouverte, Paris France
ISSN 1247-4819
Source type Scholarly Journals
Language of publication French
Document type Journal Article
Update 2016-03-01
Accession number 201604864
ProQuest document ID 1767326069
Document URL https://ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ewu.edu/docview/1767326069?accountid=7305
Last updated 2016-02-23
Database ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection

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