RPG Schizophrenic and related disorders
and surprisingly only one study, involving long term inpatient adolescents and taking an “unstructured” approach, had to be terminated because it was reinforcing negative pathologies (Ascherman 335). However, the other related studies actually contradicted the popular media and public assumptions (DeRenard and Kline), showing that, when structured and properly managed, the participants benefited significantly by actually improving their ability to differentiate between reality and dissociative events, as well as develop their ability to relate to others and self more effectively (Hughes;Blackmon).
Schizo, schizoid, schizophrenic, references information:
Potential Pointer to Benefits, used Drama Therapy Role-Playing - 1980 - Fluid and Rigid Boundaries of Paranoid and Nonparanoid Schizophrenics on a Role-Playing Task. - http://rpgresearch.com/documents/primary/list/archives/1980-fluid-and-rigid-boundaries-of-paranoid-and-nonparanoid-schizophrenics-on-a-role-playing-task
Successful Case Study - Wayne D. Blackmon (1994). Dungeons and Dragons: The Use of a Fantasy Game in the Psychotherapeutic Treatment of a Young Adult. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 48 (4), 624-632. Reprinted, with permission of the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, at http://rpgresearch.com/documents/primary/list/full-text-documents/dungeons-and-dragons-psychotherapeutic-young-adult.html
Failed Implementation Due to Lack of Structure - 1993 - The Impact of Unstructured Games of Fantasy and Role Playing on an Inpatient Unit for Adolescents - http://rpgresearch.com/documents/primary/list/1993-the-impact-of-unstructured-games-of-fantasy-and-role-playing-on-an-inpatient-unit-for-adolescents
More pending as it comes.
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